
Saturday, February 07, 2009

Heathen Talk

For those of you who are just getting to know me, I'm going to mention "the heathen" a lot. That's my kitty cat Selene. Trust me when I say she IS a heathen. :P

Anyway, Selene decided today that she wasn't going to let me sleep. The heathen, who slept in the living room last night, decided to wake mommy up at 6:30 because she was hungry. Ok, I can forgive her for that, because that's usually when I feed her on the weekdays, and she's used to it. But then around 10 a.m. she decides to cry in front of my door. I let her in. Not 10 minutes has gone by when Selene cries for me to let her out. Really Miss. Kitty Cat? Ok, I let her out. As soon as I close the door, she's already in front of it crying.

Ok, I get it now. She wants me to get up, she's lonely. Selene starts following me around the house, including the bathroom. She has this pesky little habit of wanting to go potty the same time I do, go figure! Ok, so we all assume the meowing is going to stop now. Nope, we are wrong. She's still crying. I feed her again (though I only feed her twice a day, but it's the weekend and she's not fat so she can have a lil extra sometimes). She eats the food, then starts up again. I open my bedroom window for her so she can crawl outside (I live on the second floor and she likes to hang out on the little roof at the window) after 2 minutes she crawls back inside and begins to meow.

I'm pretty much fed up at this point, I don't know what it is she wants from me. Well, I decide to ignore the heathen and her crying. I get the laptop and log in to my yahoo launchcast and turn the volume up on my music. About 10 minutes into my music session, they play a Tori Amos song (I love her), and I can't help but sing along. Wouldn't you know it, that lil bitch Selene climbs onto the bed and lays next to me, purring up a storm. That's all she wanted. She wanted to hear me sing. HEATHEN! HAHA. I don't know why she likes it so much, but there has been times where she's down yonder in the house and I start singing and she runs into the bedroom and climbs onto of me and positions herself on my shoulder. *Shrugs*

Lesson learned: When Selene is crying, sing to the heathen.

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