
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Death of Cupid!

Valentines is less than a week away. I'm sure everyone has their plans set, reservations made, gifts bought, outfits picked out. Well not me. I hate Valentines Day. Why? Because I've never had a valentine. Sad, I know, but true. For someone as romantic as me, it blows to say that no one has ever gave me a gift or bought me flowers or professed their love to me on such a romantic day. But that's the reality of my life.

So while everyone is spending the day with the person they love most in the world, I'll be in my bedroom listening to Tori Amos. Yeah, I'm bitter, but not so bitter than I can't be happy for those celebrating. So I wish everyone a happy valentines day, I hope it goes well and it's a night you'll never forget. I would love to hear what everyone is doing. Or even, what your best valentines day memory is...most memorable even.

So share with me, happy, sad, romantic, weird, or funny moments. :)


Carla Swafford said...

Sorry to hear that.

I've never been a bridesmaid. Married once (and still), but never a good enough of a friend to ask to be even a lowly bridesmaid.

Anyway, Happy Valentine's day.

SaturnMoonie said...

Awww! Well if I ever get married, and you still haven't been one, you can be one of my bridesmaids. :) Hope you don't mind flying to Connecticut, haha.