
Monday, October 22, 2012

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

Where does the time go? Had not realized it's been this long since I blogged. Work has got me a little busy. I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not...I got a job. :) Well, I should probably back up a bit...the awful warehouse job I got...I quit...3 hours after my second day. It was horrible, I couldn't do it. I am not cut out for it.

Desperate, I turned to Craigslist for job postings and there I found a CSR position. I emailed them my resume and they called me the next day. Turns out it was for the call center where I used to work at. My old supervisor saw my resume go through and had the HR person contact me immediately. He set up an interview for me to go see my old supervisor and when I went in for my "interview" she caught me up on the things that had changed and handed me a list of the available shifts and told me to pick the one I wanted. She even adjusted it slightly for me. She then said that I didn't really need to submit a resume or interview...and that was that. So I spent half of last week and half of the week before re-training on Healthy Directions, and by the beginning of last week I was ready to go out on my own. Unfortunately my desk wasn't ready so I had to wait until Wed, but I got my desk and I'm all set. This week is my first full week on my schedule - 10 hour shifts, which sucks, especially since they start at 8 a.m and I am NOT a morning person. But, I only work 4 days a week and I have Tuesday-Thursday off, and I really like that.

Ok, enough about work, blah blah blah, I'm boring myself. On to more exciting stuff. I decided to dust off my old NaNoWriMo profile and participate this year. I was MIA the last two years, but this year, I'm all for it. Now I have to come up with a story idea in 9 days...let's see what happens! I'm excited, I've missed it. This is my link in case you want to follow along or add me;

Well that's it for tonight. Let's see where things go from here. Until next time...

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