
Monday, October 08, 2012

Stop it!

You know how people get annoyed by people on their Facebook that post nothing but baby pics, and so their wall is filled with like 100 different babies? Well that's how I feel, but about religion. I don't know if it's the upcoming election or "the end of the world" or whatever, but every other post on my wall is about religion. At first I just ignore it because it was nice things...stuff like "God cares about you blah blah blah" but now it's stuff like "You better let God save you or you'll burn." And if that wasn't bad enough, now there's religion/politics crap on my wall. I already don't like religion and I already don't like politics, so add the two together and it really irritates me. I know some things go together like chocolate and peanut butter, or peanut butter and jelly; but not religion and politics. I can't STAND it when people say stuff like, "Oh well if you're against this then why are you voting for this person." or "The bible predicted this and so and so will bring this nation down." I'm about to scream. It's gonna come down to me just deleting a whole shit ton of people. I don't mind people expressing their religious or political views...we're all entitled to our opinions. And yeah, we think other people are wrong...but at the end of the day who the fuck are we to say who's right and who's wrong? It's all about perception. I don't care if you think I'm wrong or you think I'm right...STOP SHOVING YOUR BELIEFS DOWN MY THROAT! You want to have a discussion, go to a fucking forum and stop posting on your FB wall every 30 seconds about God and/or one of the presidential candidates! Seriously! Every fucking 30 seconds. Enough already!

1 comment:

Aly Lynn said...

Amen to that!