
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's been daysssss....

I know, I know, I've been a bad bad girl, but in my defense I've been sick since Wednesday and everytime I log on I read other people's blogs first and leave comments, and by the time I get here, I'm too tired to write anything.

Ok so tomorrow is the big day, why you ask?

1. My brother gets out of jail: Good thing, I miss him, and I'm sure he's been miserable in there, hopefully he has learned his lesson and wont do foolish things again (but I kinda doubt it)

2. My nephew (The lil cutie below) is starting Kindergarden! I still can't believe it, he's 5 and I can still remember him being this lil tiny baby who's diaper I used to change. Wow they sure do grow up fast.

3. This is going to sound stupid--since I'm so excited about it--but the new Sims 2 expansion pack (Apartment Life) comes out tomorrow! I love my sims game, and play everyday, I actually play when I'm supposed to be this past week...and today. But I can't help it, I'm addicted.

Now as I just mentioned, my writing isn't going so well, I'm procrastinating. There's a number of reasons why I haven't been writing as much as I should, I probably haven't mentioned this on this blog before, but, I want to be a romance writer. I've taken a long journey in life to find this goal, writing is something I've always done, something I've always liked, and I think I've done well, but since it was always a part of me I didn't notice how much I love it. I took for granted the feeling that I used to get as a little girl when my teachers chose my essays to read out loud to the class, or when the little story I wrote and illustrated in the 3rd grade won first place out of all the different 3rd grade classes, and got laminated and turned into a little book and was copied and sent out through the school.

I don't know, it was just something I always did, and I didn't think much about it. Then I wanted to be an actress, and do stage theater, and I spent years taking classes and performing and I thought that was what I was going to do w/ my life, and then my mother got in the way. She gave me an altimatum: Either give up my theater dreams and go to a regular college and study something else, or get disowned and not have any kind of support (financial or otherwise). I think we all know what I chose, and I regret it everyday, but I can't go back and change things, I can only look forward. I honestly don't know when I had my epiphony, but somewhere along the line I realized that what I liked most about acting was he scripts themselves and being able to read something and act it out to people the way that I thought people should perceive it. One of my acting teachers once said that to be a great actor one has to love the english language, love words, and I realized that I DO. I've been writing all my life, and I love to read as much. I love romance novels, I love being in that world, and that's what all of my short stories used to lack, romance. Like I said, I don't know how I realized all this, but I know that more than anything, I want to be a published romance author. I want to write contemporary pieces, I want to write paranormal romance, and I think this time around instead of just bitching and whining that this is what I want to do, I've decided to actually try to do it. REALLY.

So I started writing a novel, which I might not do anything with once I'm done, I just want to see if I'm able to write one, see if I'm able to write 50,000 words (that's a lot), and if I can, and do, then I'll polish it, or rewrite it or write something completely different. But I'm going to do it, I'm doing my research, and I'm plannig on joining RWA and, well I'm kinda making this up as I go along, but I'm taking it one step at a time, and I guess we'll see where this leads me.
Wow that was a mouthful (or fingerful lol) anyways that's all I'm going to say for today except for...


1 comment:

Vera Ezimora said...

Hey gal!

You know, you and I have similar stories for writing. I never knew I wanted to be a writer either. I never thought much of it either when I constantly won the 'Best in English' award in school. Who woulda thunk it?? lol. I just thought I loved writing as much as the next person.

Happy birthday to ur nephew and congrats on ur brother's release from jail.