
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Last Nights Dream

I was at a get together of some sort, hosted by the mafia. In a crowded room I locked eyes with a stranger. It was love at first sight. He had the kindest eyes, the way he looked into my own eyes gave me a warm feeling in my heart. I wanted to approach him, to talk to him, but the head of the mafia chose that moment to come up to me. He told me the get together was in my honor, that he wanted me to work for him.

I of course said no, I’m a good person, I would never work for the mafia. He obviously didn’t like that answer.


I’m in the dark. Underground somewhere, and I can’t see anything. I’m digging through rocks and cardboard and junk, trying to get to my guy, who turns out to be an undercover cop whose cover had been blown. The head of the mafia buried him alive to teach both of us a lesson, and I was trying to dig him up. But it was hard, because I couldn’t see anything, and I didn’t know exactly where it was that he was buried. He knew I was there trying to save him, he kept talking to me, trying to reassure me that it was ok, not to feel guilty when I didn’t find him. He knew he was going to die. I refused to give up, even though time was running out and he was running out of oxygen. He then says to me, “It’s a good thing I like you as much as I do. Knowing your voice is the last I’m going to hear makes it alright.” Then he stops talking. I keep furiously digging through debris, a voice in my head (that isn’t my own) tells me to stop trying, he’s already dead, I’m too late. But I refuse to stop, I move stuff faster, my hands are beyond numb at this point. I keep going till finally I come across the end of all the junk, and wrapped in wallpaper is the guy. Unconscious, but alive! I scream out, “I found him!” and I hand him over to two guys (where they came from, I do not know) and they tell me he’s alive and they’re taking him to the hospital.

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