
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Where do you get all those books?

I have a few friends that have asked this numerous times. You see, I'm a recovering book-a-holic. That doesn't mean I don't read anymore, it means I can't go into a bookstore without having a book blackout and spending hundreds of dollars. But I love books, and I always have a new book to read, how do I do it? I'm magic! Seriously though, there's many different ways to get free books - legally. You can enter contests - I'm really good at winning those, just won one today. You can join a street team for one of your favorite authors; some of them give you advanced reading copies (ARCs). There's always Amazon, of course! And to help weed out the rotten freebies from the good ones, Bitten By Books has a nice list for ya! Click here, for free reads.

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