
Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 1

It's almost noon and I'm eating my second meal of the day; bowl of Special K and a Whey shake. They taste a little bad, but I'm dealing.

My first day hasn't been perfect:

I started my upper body weight training at 8:16 a.m. instead of 8. Out of the 5 exercises I had for my 45 minutes, I was only able to do 54 minutes! It was my first time messing with the weights, so it took me a bit to get the hang of changing them. Then there was a grasshopper....nuff said. Threw me off a bit. Since the book said not to exercise for more than 46 minutes I decided to just finish w/ my Hammer Curls workout and call it a day.

 Let me tell you, it was horrible!!! I got really thirsty and started drinking a lot of water during the workout, and then when I finished I felt nauseous. Ended up throwing up all the water I had consumed. Pathetic.

 Then I fixed myself a whey protein shake and I was supposed to eat a bowl of special k, but I was not hungry at all. So I ate yogurt instead. Took me almost an hour to eat the yogurt and drink the shake. I also drank some more water.

In theory I drank 2 cups....I did throw up a lot of it I don't know if I should count it or not. LOL.

One thing I learned from my first day of weight training: I am weak! 10lbs was the most I can lift on side raises and dumbbell extensions. I probably could have done more then 10lbs max for the hammer curls, so I'll keep that in mind for next time.

So this is how my first day has started; not all that great, but I'm not giving up. It's only day one, it'll get better. I'll get better.


Lisa Pietsch said...

Lifting weights is not about lifting more poundage than the next girl. It is about lifting just enough to challenge your muscles to grow. It doesn't matter if it is 2.5 pounds, 25 pounds or 250 pounds. The only person you are competing with is the former you.

I'd put good money down that you're going to kick her ass!

PS: Sip water. Gulping water makes it jump right back out.

SaturnMoonie said...

Thanks Lisa! :)

And yeah, I gulped my water. I'll remember to sip next time. ;)