
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saw V

So I went to the movies last night to see Saw V, and it was good, really gory, yum, haha. But even though the movie was good, and I should be talking about it, I can't, because I need to talk about what happened BEFORE I saw the movie.

It was the weirdest, most absurd thing ever: We got IDed before we bought the tickets. OK that's the firs weird thing, then we got IDed by the girl taking the tickets (we already bought them, so obviously we're of age) then the teather was CROWDED. I swear I felt like I was at a Red Carpet event. Then to go INTO the specific theater where the movie was playing, we got IDed AGAIN. Are you serious??? You see we have the ticket, which means we got passed the ticket window (where we got IDed) and passed the ticket taker (where we got IDed AGAIN), how many times do you need to see the darn thing?

Lemme tell you, I've never been carded this many times in my life. I don't even get carded when I go to the liqour store...oh but to go see Saw, that's waaaaay more important. We MUST card for Saw, forget about cigs and beer, that's not important, we will never ask for ID there (which they never have for me) but for SAW ooooh, now THAT'S imperative. *eye roll* Whatever...

I just can't help but wonder...if I was a gray-haired old woman w/ a cane...would they stll need to see some ID???

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