
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Internet Junkie

My cat Selene threw up on my dsl modem/router and killed it. That was Thursday night. Two days have gone by and I'm about to jump out of a window! It's been such a long time that I hadn't realized just how badly I need the internet to survive. I've built my life around it. I play online, I socialize online, I research online, I shop online, I do everything online. Now that I'm without internet, I feel so lost. LOL. I spent a lot of today just walking aimlessly around the house with no actual destination. I should have been writing, but not having internet has really messed me up! At one point I was just standing in the middle of the kitchen for no reason. That's when I forced myself to go write - in a notebook, so I wouldn't have to stare at the computer screen and watch it silently taunt me about my lack of internet.

This blog was brought to you by my cell phone - because I felt so disconnected from the world, I needed to reach out. (Oy...)


Lisa Pietsch said...

You poor thing!

Aly Lynn said...

Oh man. That really sucks. I'm sorry! I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have internet....probably throw a tantrum. haha

SaturnMoonie said...

I think I threw a few tantrums, Aly.