
Saturday, October 02, 2010

Day 5; excuses.

I seem to have so many excuses this week, and the funny thing is, I'm not trying to make excuses. Things keep happening. How do people do this?

 Earlier this week - Monday to be exact - I got my period. Yippee. I was feeling a little weak and some minor discomfort, but it was ok. I exercised through the pain and dealt with it. Then yesterday and today when I woke up, I was in so much freaking pain. I popped some pain medicine and went to bed. No exercise.

 So let us do the math: Out of 6 days, I exercised 2 of them.

 Failure. Almost epic. My eating - except for my Rice Krispies - has been good, though. Tomorrow is my "free day" but I don't know if I should take it or not. Yes, I haven't eaten any of the yummy things I've been wanting to eat, but I haven't I don't know.

 I may take it, because last night I was dying for some flan and chicken wings, which I was in the fridge. I'm weak. LOL.

 I want to say the next week will be better, but I have to train for Barco Monday, Tuesday, and Wed and I have to be there by 8:30, so I have to work around my schedule until Thursday when I get back to normal.

 This is pissing me off.


Lisa Pietsch said...

For what it is worth, here's my 2 cents:

Let yourself off the hook. It was a week, you started and made some progress and that' all that matters. It is more than you would have done. Am I right?
Take the free day. Use it to wipe the slate clean with flan, chicken wings, pizza, whatever. Party down.
Then start over and see what you can accomplish next week. Meal by meal, day by day. It is the only way.

SaturnMoonie said...

Thanks, boo! You're right, it is some progress and you're def right about it being more than what I would have done.

I'm gonna fry me up some wings tomorrow. I shall think of you while I lick my fingers. :P That doesn't sound how I meant

Lisa Pietsch said...

Hey, at least somebody will think of me while they lick their fingers! I'll take it where I can get it!
Fry on, baby!