
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Minor Writing Update

Wrote this at work earlier today:

Just finished chapter six. I’m kind of intrigued. I mentioned that I wanted the girls to go B.O.B shopping together, but it looks like it’s not going to happen.

I’m not as disappointed as I thought I was going to be because I solved a big problem that I had instead.

I was having problems with my conflict, the problem being it was almost non-existent. LOL

I had a reason as to why Emma was going out of her comfort zone and trying Jan’s lifestyle but then once she met Brock, it looked as if the conflict was gone. But it’s back, hehe, sorry Brock, but I don’t want to make this conquest that easy for you.

I guess that scene I was writing that I was bored with paid off in the end. And now Emma got herself stuck in a possible double (fuck) date with Jan. How am I gonna get this girl out of that without compromising her virtue or without making her look like a chicken?

I’m having so much fun figuring this story out! I hope those who read it in the future will have as much fun reading it as I’m having writing it.

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