
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Guess I was wrong

So remember how I said that today was going to be a better day? Well I was wrong, VERY wrong. Today was one of the worst days of my life, I'd rather be stuck in a time loop, and relive yesterday for the rest of my life if it meant that today didn't happen.

Well first I got written up because of last night. Because Dennis told me to take the trash out and do the keepers and Lucielle and Estavia did them because I was busy with costumers, and putting bags away, I got written up. And then not only that, but they said that I don't do anything, and that I'm always just leaning against the counter, and all this nonsense. That was upsetting enough, because I do everything around there, even when they don't tell me to, and I get no recognition whatsoever. But then right when I was about to leave, I get called in to one of my supervisor's office, and he tells me that he needs to talk to me, and it has nothing to do with me getting written up. He then goes on to say that Summit (my boss) wanted him to talk to me, that I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, but I had to come in Monday at 11 a.m. to talk to him. Apparently there's some thefts going on, and they're been "reviewing tapes" and so now they need to see me. And that's all he would tell me, and it's like they think I'm the one stealing, which is insane! I'm the most honest, trustworthy person there is, and I'm being accused to stealing. I feel so humiliated, and I was the only person that they talked to, that's even worse. It's like someone is out to get me, and they're pulling out all the stops. I mean, you don't know how much this hurts, because I work my ass off to do a good job, and I NEVER steal or lie, or even cheat. I don't even cheat on games!!! It's like there's this huge spotlight right on me with all these horrible things about me. Noboby has ever made me feel that way before, and if I'm accused of anything Monday, I'm quitting on the spot. What's worse is, that this is going to go on my record, nobody is going to hire me if they think I'm a thief. That's what gets to me the most, if I knew this was going to happen, I would have stolen stuff! At least then they'd be right. I wouldn't have busted my ass trying to do such a good job. Like today for instance, it was pouring and I had to go all the way to Milford, so I get to my bus stop, and my umbrella breaks. So now I'm getting wet, but the bus is supposed to be there any minute, so I can't go back home and get another umbrella. Well now I'm getting really wet, and the bus is LATE...20 minutes. So I finally get on the bus, drenched, even after my mom told me to just call out, but I said no, because that will give other people more things to do. So now I'm on the bus, and the AC is on really high, so it's REALLY cold, and I'm wet (just thought I'd be redundant) so of course I start sneezing, and my nose starts running, and I'm getting sick. But I go to work, and I work my ass off...and this is what I get. This was my day, hooray for me.

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