
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Turning Myself and Friends into Foods

1. Hello, my name is Jennifer, and I am a candy apple. I’m round, and have this hard outer coating. If you’ve never had one before, maybe you wouldn’t know that the hard coating is nothing but candy – sweet. And if you break through and get to the center, you get a juicy, delicious, good for you treat!

2. Kandise Bowser: My spicy mango grilled potato friend. When you first encounter Kandise, she looks a bit fried and hard around the edges. At closer glance, you’re engulfed in her chili powder – very spicy. But keep “chewing”, eventually you start to notice a sweet taste to Kandise. That’s the mango sneaking up on you. Once you’ve experienced her, you get used to her spicy personality because underneath all that fire lies a secret sweet potato. The more you experience it, the more you notice it.

3. Jeffrey Dorvil: A staple in my group. He’s white rice. Not very special at first glance, but an every day necessity. You get used to having him around, and when he’s gone, you miss him terribly. He goes with everything, ya know!

4. Ashley Pardo: This particular friend of mine likes to make noise. She likes the attention. She’s all colors and is sweet, but she’s more than that, she’s sassy. Ashley is a bag of Pop Rocks

5. Alyssa Vaquero is a box of grape and strawberry Nerds. Tiny, sweet, and with a crunch. Like Nerds, you like Alyssa the moment you first “try” her, and you never get tired of her. Forever sweet, forever colorful. Just looking at a box makes you smile.


Lisa Pietsch said...

You are a perfect candy apple!

SaturnMoonie said...

Aww, why thank you, my dear. <3

Aly Lynn said...

This was AWESOME! And, I LOVE Nerds!! woot woot

SaturnMoonie said...

I didn't even know you liked them, Aly! I was eating them the night I wrote this and when I thought of you, I immediately looked at the box to see the lil nerd mascot thingies on the box and they were so cute and pink and little and it reminded me of you! HAHAHA. <3 Also, another thing I didn't add, was that when I see/think of nerds, I'm transported back to when I was younger and happier. They remind me of my childhood and when I was happy. And you do that - obviously not the childhood part, but you take me back to a time in my life that was bleak but my memories of you (most of them) help me remember that time with happiness instead of anger or sadness.

In other words - you were the light of my life! HAHAHA. :P