
Saturday, November 01, 2014

NaNo Day 1

Happy NaNoWrimo my fellow wrimos! It's day one and I'm about to go to bed - don't worry, it isn't the END of day one, but the beginning. I've been awake since the day before. Wanted to get started on my writing at midnight. I'm going to bed feeling good. 1875 words under my belt. Not bad, especially since I'm hoping to still get some more writing done later in the day today.

My story is coming out a bit differently than what I had envisioned. But I'm pleased with it so far. The two characters I've written have begun to take shape in my mind, so I'm hoping things will continue smoothly. Although, when I pick up where I left off I'll be introducing a new character whose personality, attitude, and voice I'm going to have to find. Wish me luck!